Showing posts with label bingju. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bingju. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Error Analysis of 900 Sample Sentences

"Error Analysis of 900 Sample Sentences " is for the mother tongue to the mother tongue or the media language of foreign friends in the study of foreign language in the prevalence of typical illness analysis or comparison, in order to make the reader know which is wrong, which argument is correct. After the book compiled a disease index, the purpose is to explain the different stages of learning the disease is different. The book is in the form of a Chinese-English contrast. The above three points are different from other books on the analysis of the disease. This book is for foreign friends to learn Chinese or use Chinese, but also as teaching Chinese as a foreign language teaching or writing a textbook reference book.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Xuesheng Shiyong Bingju Xiugai Daquan

《学生实用病句修改大全》由工人出版社出版,内容包括:第一篇 病句的基础知识:什么是病句、辨析句子正误的方法、修改病句的原则、修改病句的方法、修改病句的步骤、修改病句的符号、修改病句应注意的问题、病句的类型:误用标点、句子不完整,成分残缺、用词不当、修辞不当、分类练习:误用标点符号、综合练习等。
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