Showing posts with label fuhao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuhao. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

New Theories and Concepts on Signs and Semiotics


"Signs and Symbols New Theory," a book from the Chinese language and semiotics will submit its fifth annual meeting of more than 80 papers selected out of more than 30 articles a representative series of papers from the press semiotic perspective into the new theory, Russia's "Semiotics kingdom" new theory, part of the new perspective of six academic contention semiotics, semiotics applied research, the study of the history of semiotics and international scholars on China's new forum. The overview of the proceedings both semiotics overview of more than a decade, also pointed out that the gap between research and international semiotics Semiotics of our country, to explore effective ways of future research directions and Semiotics Disciplines.
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Monday, March 4, 2013

Hanzi fuhao xue

副教授,硕士生导师,毕业于复旦大学中文系汉语史专业,文学硕士学位。主要研究方向为古代汉语训诂学文本注释、汉语音韵学及中国传统文化等。先后发表《古注类型刍议》等论文数十篇,编撰各类著作 4种,独立完成 2部。专著《古籍注释学基础》(甘肃教育出版社1995年)先后获省部级社会科学优秀成果奖 2项,国家级(全国教育类)图书优秀奖 1项,并被资深专家评为“具有一定开创意义,为国内该领域填补空白之作”。十余年间,先后为中文系本科生、函授生开设了古代汉语、古籍注释学基础、训诂五讲、中国文化概论等课程,为中文、历史等专业研究生开设了音韵、文字、训诂等课程,并为汉语本科班外国留学生教授中国文化、听力、精读、泛读等课程。现为中国语言文化学会会员。
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