Showing posts with label riyue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label riyue. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Japanese-Vietnamese Vietnamese-Japanese Dictionary


This is a Vietnamese-Japanese and Japanese-Vietnamese dictionary for Vietnamese&Japanese users.

Japanese is one of many popular foreign language and teaching in Vietnam. To meet the learning needs and your search Japanese reading, Japanese dictionary - Vietnam, Vietnam - Vietnam Japan by Tran Thanh author has compiled Synthesis TP publisher. Ho Chi Minh introduced. With about 50,000 commonly used words in all social situations, social life, economy, trade ... hope this book will be very useful for all readers of the Japanese language.


Like all other dictionaries are used in teaching and learning, content dictionaries Japan - Vietnamese, Vietnamese - Japanese sorted, very scientific layout, rational to cover many topics in the field live, work, help readers easily lookup and remember. The reason content dictionaries give only the meaning of words and words without giving relevant examples are compiled for the author to make more of it for faster lookups. In addition, the dictionary has phonetic reading Hiragana.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tang Han jie zi: Hanzi yu riyue tiandi

本书内容包括:日升日落为朝暮;星移斗转月入窗;时光一去不复还;行云播雨乘雷电;茫茫九派流中国; 水流汩汩说荡漾;横舟造桥人戏水;山峦峰起石为沙;尘埃土地坎陷出;一方水土一方人;火若有情火亦灭;照明烹饪观火候;南北东西说左右等。

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