Showing posts with label tupu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tupu. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Alias of The Human Body


Color Atlas of the British human self-examination and(Chinese Edition)

Book five advantages :

1 , the full show every part of the body and detail . This book will be the human body is divided into head , neck , chest, upper limbs , abdomen , reproductive system, pelvis, lower limbs, systemic nine parts , for each part of the bones, muscles , nerves, and internal organs and their functions and interactions , have made detailed diagrams and descriptions.

2 , illustrations beautifully . This book is split draw pictures of the body is not only clear, accurate and vibrant colors like a work of art , giving a visual treat .

3 , retrieval quick and easy. This book catalogs, indexing and meticulous, careful , massive Legend involve a wide and thorough analysis , the reader can quickly and easily take this understanding of the mystery of the body , whether it is the foot of the many bones, or complex lymphatic system.

4 , a simple and suitable for general readers and students. Anatomy expert for the British author , translator of Chinese Peking Union Medical College doctoral graduate. The level reached in the professional scientific and accurate . More than 400 pieces of color illustrations and photographs , as well as layman 's interpretation makes reading easier and intuitive.

5 , the modern home healthcare guidelines. This book not only introduced a system of knowledge of human anatomy , and complemented by diseases and medical knowledge. Doctor returned , the book reverse lookup examine their own control , the reader can better understand the doctor said and done . Thus , the book in the UK for many ordinary families standing book shelves .
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Diagram of Chinese Acupoints (Chinese-English)

Châm cứu theo huyệt vị (có hình minh hoạ Hoa-Anh)

It is known that the precise of acupoint location is essential to clinical success. This book is written with "accuracy, practicality and simplicity" as guiding principles. The locations of acupuncture points reflect the government standards and currently acknowledged standards.

The author has combined more than 20 years of clinical and teaching experience to introduce easy point location methods and needling techniques for particular locations. Clear lined drawings detail the points of the fourteen meridians, commonly used extra points and points of the micro-acupuncture systems. The fourteen meridians are divided into various segments for comparisons that are helpful for clinical applications.

Furthermore, the author systematically covers the most commonly used points in their entirety; the author also has collected and organized the materials documenting the micro-acupuncture systems which provide invaluable options for clinical acupuncture treatment.

Table of ContentsChapter One Commonly used methods to locate acupuncture points
Chapter Two Acupuncture Points (15 sections)
1.Distribution of the fourteen channels
2.Points of the lung channel of hand-taiyin
3.Points of the large intestine channel of hand-yangming
4.Points of the stomach channel of foot-yangming
5.Points of the spleen channel of foot-taiyin
6.Points of the heart channel of the hand-shaoyin
7.Points of the small intestine channel of the hand-taiyang
8.Points of the bladder channel of the foot-taiyang
9.Points of the kidney channel of the foot-shaoyin
10.Points of the pericardium channel of the hand-jueyin
11.Points of the sanjiao channel of the hand-shaoyang
12.Points of the gall bladder channel of the foot-shaoyang
13.Points of the liver channel of the foot-jueyin
14.Points of the Du Channel
15.Points of the Ren channel

Chapter Three Commonly used extraordinary points
Chapter Four Micro-acupuncture (10 sections)
1.Ear acupuncture
2.Scalp acupuncture
3.Eye acupuncture
4.Face acupuncture
5.Nose acupuncture
6.Hand acupuncture
7.Foot acupuncture
8.Ankle and wrist acupuncture
9.Hand projection acupuncture
10.Projection of the body acupuncture on the foot
Appendix: Major groups of local points
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