Showing posts with label wenming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wenming. Show all posts

Friday, July 4, 2014

Chinese Civilization 5 : Northern and Southern Dynasties

The book on the strong support of the country's museums and Cultural Relics and Archaeology, select the thousands of photographs, including rare aerial and satellite photographs, are to reproduce ancient, beautiful situation, so that the reader can feel when people are physical living environment. Around the museum and the Archaeological Institute of the book is also dedicated to the shooting scene and the latest archaeological excavations photos. Around the museum and the Archaeological Institute of the book is also dedicated to the shooting scene and the latest archaeological excavations photos. As some of the remains have been buried not shoot, then the original three-dimensional computer graphics or illustrations to look. Using the latest archaeological research results to make up for gaps in the literature record, diverse visual elements, so that three-dimensional presentation of the history of China. China's history has never been so show off.
As a past history of human conduct, record development, but it was multi-faceted and complex. In order to adapt to the fast-paced series of step with the times, and strive to enhance the amount of information in a limited space, to avoid the dull atmosphere, with refined simple white institute known, let the facts speak, so that the physical evidence, a prominent theme, distinctive, modern people are taking unique to fill vacancies predecessors. The reader with a new perspective, a new dimension to see the history, feel the history, think of history.
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Chinese civilization 4 : Qin and Han

This book is a facsimile Book 4 Chinese civilization, the book with a very eye-catching title, a simple and vivid language, to analyze organic combination, incorporating the latest first-hand historical relics, brought together experts in years of research, exciting and briefly outline trace the historical evolution of the Qin and Han China's first feudal totalitarian era. The book is rich in content, illustrations, beautifully printed, scientific, systematic, informative and readable as a whole, is an excellent cultural history readers.
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Chinese Civilization 2 - Shang Zhou Theocratic Revolution 1000 years

The book on the strong support of the country's museums and Cultural Relics and Archaeology, select the thousands of photographs, including rare aerial and satellite photographs, are to reproduce ancient, beautiful situation, so that the reader can feel when people are physical living environment. Around the museum and the Archaeological Institute of the book is also dedicated to the shooting scene and the latest archaeological excavations photos. Around the museum and the Archaeological Institute of the book is also dedicated to the shooting scene and the latest archaeological excavations photos. As some of the remains have been buried not shoot, then the original three-dimensional computer graphics or illustrations to look. Using the latest archaeological research results to make up for gaps in the literature record, diverse visual elements, so that three-dimensional presentation of the history of China. China's history has never been so show off.
As a past history of human conduct, record development, but it was multi-faceted and complex. In order to adapt to the fast-paced series of step with the times, and strive to enhance the amount of information in a limited space, to avoid the dull atmosphere, with refined simple white institute known, let the facts speak, so that the physical evidence, a prominent theme, distinctive, modern people are taking unique to fill vacancies predecessors. The reader with a new perspective, a new dimension to see the history, feel the history, think of history.
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Chinese Civilization 1 - Beginning social - Eastern Dawn


"Chinese civilization fax" Total full-ten, with a very eye-catching title of the book, in layman's vivid language, to analyze organic combination, incorporating the latest first-hand historical relics, brought together experts in years of research, exciting and briefly outline Evolution of Chinese civilization trajectory. Content-rich, illustrated, beautifully printed, scientific, systematic, informative and readable as a whole, is a cultural history of excellent readers.
1 kind and recovery image, showing aspects of life in primitive society. For example Beijingers life, primitive man's funeral, the original settlement morphology and organization, so as ancient history now eyes.
2 relics reveal little-known message, such as Hong Kong as early as six thousand years ago, there is human habitation and activity, but also from the unearthed jade, pottery, stone tools and other relics, and the Central Plains can be seen traces of cultural exchanges.
3 contents known to the fine details of a deeper, fresher perspective again, as the Hongshan Culture and Liangzhu Culture jade exquisite perfection, which reflects not only the residents of jelly temperament, it is right to focus on God and the monarchy reflect, the early appearance of a national symbol.
4 plain text to replace the cumbersome chart data historical events, especially the complex relationship between culture graded each region, so that the historical process glance.
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


观赏 海上仙山圣米歇尔修道院的水天胜境·阿尔罕布拉宫 刻金镂彩的华丽殿堂·圣斯特凡大教堂被誉为“维也纳精魂”的堂顶图案·新天鹅石宫宛若童话城堡的奇特外观
了解 巴黎标志性建筑埃菲尔铁塔早年命运多舛的建造过程 泰姬陵背后令人潸然泪下的千古爱情盟约·热带丛林中玛雅古城的昔日辉煌·壁画圣地莫高窟所经受的历史沧桑
发现 斯通亨奇石阵所显示的古人卓越的数学才能 纳斯卡巨画隐含的多重奥秘·特洛伊古城废墟沉淀的历史真相 阿杰尔高原壁画透露出的自然变迁信息

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