Showing posts with label wuli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wuli. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

10.000 scientific challenges: Physics volume


Pub Date: 2009 05 Pages: 836 Language: Chinese in Publisher: Science Press 10000 scientific challenges (the physics volume) (fine) 10.000 scientific challenges series. and physics. . This volume is written authored by our excellent work in the first line of the study of physics experts. The problem of collecting both basic theoretical physics subdiscipline has not yet resolved the problem. but also a broad consensus has not yet been included in the academic. there are some controver.Generally,Ship out in 2 business day, and provider Tracking number after the shipment.

" 10,000 scientific problems ( Physics Volume ) ( fine ) " yes " 10000 scientific problems " series in physics-related parts. The volume in question is determined by the first line of our work in the study of physics experts penned excellent written . Solicitation issues include both the various branches of physics is not yet solved the problem of the basic theory , but also in the academic consensus has not yet been widespread , there are some controversial issues , some of the collection to the problem to a certain extent represent some of our related disciplines leading edge of the main areas . In order to improve the " 10,000 scientific problems ( Physics Volume ) ( fine ) " readability , Editorial determine the " 10,000 scientific problems ( Physics Volume ) ( fine ) ," the writing principles : High school students interested in college able to read , graduate willing topics . " 10,000 scientific problems ( Physics Volume ) ( fine ) " divided into articles and thematic articles : Importing articles focus on accessibility and fun, with illustrations to explain in layman's language easily understood manner some important scientific widespread concern problem . Thematic chapter covers the problem of collecting the main two disciplines of physics , a brief overview of the background of problems , difficulties, and provide ideas for further research possible .

" 10,000 scientific problems ( Physics Volume ) ( fine ) " for physics undergraduate , graduate and professional researchers related references are also available for high school students interested in physics and physics enthusiasts to read . 
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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Engineering Physics Experiment (Chinese Edition)


Pages Number: 190 engineering physics experiment. according to the Ministry of Education of non-physical class professional physical basis of teaching guidance in 2010. the Commission promulgated the non-physical class Polytechnic disciplinary University physics experiment teaching the basic requirements and domestic engineering physics textbook reform dynamics. combined with the editor for many years written in the Independent Colleges of teaching experience. With particular emphas...
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