Showing posts with label xingshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xingshi. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Chomsky's Theory of Syntax—Its Evolution and Latest Development

"Chomsky's Theory of Syntax—Its Evolution and Latest Development" with familiar language, Chomsky comprehensive introduction to generate - the conversion theory of syntax. After summarized account of the theory of the evolution of the ins and outs of Syntax, shift the focus of the book Chomsky's peak theory - the principles and parameters of the method, first as an elaborate and dominated the early stages of the theory of constraints, relatively independent and individually to discuss their mutual theoretical module role, then discuss recent developments as the Minimalist Program, and to track the latest developments in the theory and the philosophy of operation. To facilitate understanding, listen as used in the majority of applications come from the Chinese, but also to analyze the theory of the Chinese phenomenon based.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Introduction to Formal Semantics

In linguistics, Mr. Fung's book premier, the reason is as follows: 1, the concept (intension and extension) defines clear, easy to understand. You must have read the book know linguistics, linguistics book hard to read, an important reason why the authors of the definition of linguistic concepts is unclear, for example (extension) is too small; 2, Fung's book is a methodology . Can inspire the reader's thinking, the introduction has been read on, not only to learn the relevant knowledge, methodology learn more. 3, Fung knowledgeable knowledge across multiple disciplines, very valuable. Involved in the field of deep understanding and thorough. Chinese linguists such as Fung too little. Most Chinese scholars of language knowledge is narrow, lack of natural science background and scientific way of thinking, and in the study of contemporary linguistics less of these, much will be difficult, perhaps domestic linguists to now little big theory achievements is proof.
Formal Semantics is a good book.
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Restrictions on Constructions of Negative Forms

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"The Restrictions on Constructions of Negative Forms" Introduction: With the development of history, social progress, technological development, linguistics in the whole world more and show great vitality and energy. Chinese linguistics is an important part of the world of linguistics. To Chinese linguistics career has driven our organization wrote "On the Central Pragmatics library."
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