Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chinese Interpreting

English translation of the core curriculum series: Business interpretation (with MP3 CD 1)(Chinese Edition)
Publisher: Wuhan University Press Pub. Date :2010-04-01 (1991)
ISBN-10: 7307075873
ISBN-13: 978-7307075870
Business Interpreter is based on the "task" of business interpretation, which consists of five modules: "Business Reception", "Business Presentation", "Business Meeting", "Business Cooperation" and "Business Development" . "Business Interpretation" is based on the "working process" of interpreting practice. In each episode unit, "learning preparation", "project training" and "evaluation summary" are set up in sequence to form a complete series of interpreting teaching.
"Business Interpretation" introduces the concept of multiple assessment into interpreting teaching, and then designs three evaluation tables, "project evaluation", "on-site interpretation assessment" and "unit learning assessment", and then constructs "evaluation body", "evaluation content" Way "three-dimensional evaluation system.
So that students in the simulation process of teaching the scene really master business interpretation skills.

Project One Business Reception 商务接待
Unit One Protocol Routine 迎来送往
Unit Two Banquet Remarks 宴会致辞
Unit Three Escort Visit 陪同参观

Project Two Business Presentation 商务陈述
Unit Four Enterprise Introduction 企业介绍
Unit Five Products Promotion 产品推介
Unit Six Policy Presentation 政策说明

Project Three Business Talks 商务会谈
Unit Seven Business Meeting 商务会议
Unit Eight Business Negotiation 商务谈判
Unit Nine Profile Interview 人物访谈

Project Four Business Cooperation 商务合作
Unit Ten Joint Venture 合资企业
Unit Eleven Trade Organization 贸易组织
Unit Twelve Economic Forum 经济论坛

Project Five Business Development 商务拓展
Unit Thirteen Investment Introduction 招商引资
Unit Fourteen International Exhibition 国际会展
Unit Fifteen Marketing Strategy 营销策略

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