Showing posts with label gangyao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gangyao. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

General Phonetics Platform

Once the first draft of this book in the name of Tian Gong "phonetics common sense", in the "Chinese Language" on from January 1954 to May 1955 serialized 14. Now heavier amended deletions, compiled this little book.

Peking University from 1934 to teach me since, has opened several phonetics class, but has not been thoroughly compiled handouts or textbook. Until the fall of 1952, I and Wang comrades in Peking language phonetics and opened special training course before going to update the information accumulated over the years of division of labor to supplement compiled a textbook for nurturing young comrades to lay a foundation. This book is the outcome of the plan to achieve this unit.

The style of this book is the general principle applied phonetics, contact the specific reality of Chinese language, cited examples mainly in Mandarin, Mandarin dialect not then move around, to cite fraternal Chinese nation's language does not have, to complement China Language does not have sound, or to facilitate comparison on only cite some examples of foreign languages, are provided for the reference card. About phonetics theory advanced as far as possible the doctrine of the Soviet Union, but also draws on other countries phonetics works some good parts.
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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Applied Linguistics Program

Description: Applied Linguistics Platform "for the introduction of applied linguistics textbook. "Applied Linguistics Platform" to learn of the current applied linguistics latest results, systematically expounded the origin, development and the nature of the disciplinary status and research methods applied linguistics and language teaching focuses on foreign language teaching, language testing, Chinese eight major research areas of information processing, language planning and language research, sociolinguistics, children linguistics, toponymy and names of science and other applied linguistics, applied linguistics reflects the practicality and relevance. "Applied Linguistics Outline" can be used as a Foreign Language Department, Chinese, Linguistics ......
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Applied Linguistics Program

This is a theoretical monograph. Applied Linguistics main theories put forward comb, evolution, development, and meaning, application, be Analysis and Discussion on the law. In the language of life, language of work, language research-based. Is the country's major achievements in the form of "Applied Linguistics Theory," the text language issues Institute of Applied Language Committee. As "Introduction to Applied Linguistics" Writing our preparation. It can be used as the main subject teachers and students in university language teaching reference.
This is essentially a "philosophy of language dialogue" (the root element, etc., language Press, 1999) companion. We have "the philosophy of language dialogue" as the book's preliminary results. "Philosophy of Language Dialogue" in general can be said to be emission type, this book can be said to be largely recovered type. This book uses a "philosophy of language dialogue" a lot of material. However, the book with the "Philosophy of Language Dialogue" There are two differences. First, this book hopes to put the whole issue involves a number, it contains a lot of material, "the philosophy of language dialogue" than, for example, some of the theory of history. There are some problems, "the philosophy of language dialogue" in discussions not by much, as "Fuzzy Linguistics", originally planned to discuss some topics in the "Philosophy of Language dialogue" in the later plans to change without devoted, as latent "Language and It was "specifically talked about this book. Second, this book is after "the philosophy of language dialogue" Finish writing, many opinions more profound than the "Philosophy of Language dialogue" in.
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Friday, June 12, 2015

Ancient Chinese Vocabulary Platform


Depth description and outcome of the book and try to turn the traditional exegesis of modern semantic theory combined with ideas and methods of modern linguistics to some basic questions to make ancient Chinese vocabulary theory.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Outline of Chinese philology

The book of traditional Chinese character learning and ancient philology, modern Chinese characters learn to combine in-depth discussion.
Title: Outline of Chinese philology
Publication item: Harbin: Heilongjiang Education Press, 2008.08
Author Information: 335
Pages: 335
I S B N: 9787531651321
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Friday, June 21, 2013

Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi Shishi Gangyao


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