Showing posts with label gudai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gudai. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Southeast Asia feudal : Slavery Social Structure and ancient oriental

Đông Nam Á thời phong kiến - Cấu trúc chế độ nô lệ của xã hội Đông phương thời xưa
"Southeast Asia feudal: Slavery structure and Ancient Oriental Society" is divided into nine chapters, based on the detailed possession of material, the authors were ancient Vietnamese society, social Funan ancient Cambodian society, ancient society of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos ancient society ancient Malay Peninsula community, Indonesia and the Philippines in ancient societies Baron social cover were deep and detailed system analysis, pointed out that "a feudal slavery structure" of social development prevalent in ancient Southeast Asia objective historical reality. On this basis, the study authors compared the historical development of the ancient world and ancient oriental society was further pointed out that the ancient Orient after the original formation of social disintegration is not the "typical" slavery society, but the formation of a feudal system factors and factors concomitant slavery and feudalism led to "a feudal slavery structure" society, this is the so-called "Asian model." This conclusion is highly theoretical and academic value for the study to re-examine and study history and law of development of human society, the ancient Oriental provides a new idea, a new perspective.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chinese Ancient History (12)

"University of the Republic Series: Chinese ancient history," he said: "China to teach, Confucius was then established; Zheng of China, Qin was twice; throughout China, the Emperor was then given the reason for all three-Chinese Chinese also. . "this is an unfinished" masterpiece. " Referred to the Sui Dynasty, the author died. It had to be reprinted "Chinese History" was renamed "Chinese Ancient History."
"University of the Republic Series: History of Ancient China" is recognized as "China's first famous modern Chinese history." Western book "evolution" of the view, a comprehensive sort of Chinese historical development, phase characteristics. "Chinese history" is no longer just a simple dynastic history and imperial history, a change for the gradual evolution of society, "the whole history" ......
Cut in the material taken, "the University of the Republic Series: History of Ancient China" round-denominated history as a master copy, and edit usurp other ancient books. Where the use of reference books, all indicate the source, to facilitate students to find. Make clear and concise narrative, do not attach importance to the role of the summer had Youte drawings and tables.

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ancient Chinese Course Vol.2

Author: Zhang Shilu editor
Press: Fudan University Press
Published: 1991--10
Printing time: 1996-05
India Number:
Staple: Paperback

Folio: Big 32 open
Pages: 892
Word count:
ISBN: 9787309011944
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Ancient Chinese Course Vol.1


Author: Zhang Shilu
Press: Fudan University Press
Published: 1991--01
Printing time: 1991-01-01
India Number:

Staple: Paperback
Open the:
Number of pages:
Word count:
I S B N:
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ancient Chinese Dictionary

Readers of this "Ancient Chinese Dictionary" is above average education level for medium-sized language learning and reading ancient Chinese book of ancient use. The scope of the closing words of the dictionary, is the ancient written language orthodox representative of writing books, among which the Qin and Han ancient books based. The dictionary of about 10,000 words received, in addition to the commonly used word, but also in Concurrently some difficult words, including the difficult words for names names. Common variant word be included.

The recovered syllable word dictionary of about 24,000. Polysyllabic words with word-based, and been enriched a small amount of entries in Wikipedia. The general principle is to read old books from the general reader the actual needs, recorded in ancient books selected common but need to explain entries. The dictionary sorted sequencer. There are a few notes of a prefix entries, arranged in the body of the sequencer, in addition to a reader in the first term of the prefix tone, other tones initial or final item if it is the first item a different tone, also another pronunciation of the word under the weight of the head. There are more than two words sound the first item, press 1,2,3 ...... No. phonetic, generally common pronunciation in the first place.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ancient Chinese History (Volume II)

"History textbook series regular higher basic course Eleventh Five-Year national planning materials: Ancient Chinese History (next)" lessons of research results in recent years, evolving and changing times divided by the dynasty main vein about Chinese history, but also the chief economic and political aspects of the system, technological culture, social life, trying the whole point, multi-level display of ancient Chinese history look. "History basic course textbook series regular higher Eleventh Five-Year national planning materials:? Chinese Ancient History (next)" is divided into four chapters, narrative since the Sui and Tang to the Qing Chinese history. "History basic course textbook series regular higher Eleventh Five-Year national planning materials:? Chinese Ancient History (next)" validated by experts for Teachers College, specialist teaching.
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Ancient Chinese History (Volume I)

Author of the book in the process, we noticed several aspects of this problem. The first is to learn about new achievements in the academic study of Chinese ancient history, each chapter written by their research results also reflected in the textbooks where appropriate. Second is the use of new archaeological data were elaborated on important archaeological discovery and archeology research various historical periods of ancient China, to try to absorb. Again is to have the new features on the Compilation, for example, each chapter has a "narrative" one, elaborate profiles of this historical period of Chinese society and its place in the development of world history, in the history of the development of the general trend throughout the world based on a deeper understanding of the historical evolution of the law of ancient China. Thirdly is the arrangement of the chapters of detail and content as much as possible to meet the needs of teaching, for many important issues have done a more in-depth and detailed discussion, but some question only a programmatic narrative, without discussion, in order to space for Jane province.
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