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Showing posts with label shiwu. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

International trade theory and practice

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"International Trade Theory and Practice," in a more systematic exposition of the basic concepts of international trade and the basic theory of international trade and the actual business operational processes were highlighted. Its main contents include: the traditional trade theory, modern trade theory, international capital flows and transnational corporations, international trade policy, international trade measures, regional economic integration and WTO, international trade in services and international technology trade, commodity quality, quantity and consultations packaging, international trade terms and pricing terms, international cargo transportation, international cargo insurance, international payment settlement, import and export contracts with signed import contracts to fulfill, fulfill export contracts, international trade, dispute prevention and treatment . In order to facilitate teaching and learning, each chapter has columns and case studies, after chapter has summary, along with the appropriate exercises. Readers using the "International Trade Theory and Practice" in the process, should pay attention closely to reality, tracking new developments in international trade theory and practice, and promote the improvement of the accumulation of knowledge and ability. "International Trade Theory and Practice" comprehensive, innovative, practical and theory with practice, there is a strong applicability.
"International Trade Theory and Practice," applies to economics, management undergraduate students to learn, can be used as reference in the foreign trade business personnel.
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International Trade Theory and Practice

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The book "International Trade Theory and Practice," third edition, which includes international trade theory, foreign trade policies and measures, WTO, international trade terms, the principal terms of international trade contracts, international trade in goods program, international trade and so on. Third edition adds a chapter of regional economic integration, complements the latest developments in technical barriers to trade, environmental barriers to trade and service trade barriers. In addition, to facilitate student learning, deeper understanding and grasp the contents of the book, each chapter in the arrangement of the contents of a small increase in knowledge, mini stories, examples and small discussions. The book is a complete structure, innovative, focused, concise, the theoretical and practical operability combined. Financial institutions of higher learning book for class management class undergraduate, graduate and Master of Business Administration (MBA) educational use, but also as the majority of Economic Management, business personnel training materials.
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International Trade Practice

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"International Trade Practice" (third edition) is divided into four: The first chapter, international trade terms; second in terms of international sale of goods; the third, the import and export business set and fulfill the contract; Title IV, international trade. Inside of each, respectively, including a number of chapters, the book is a total of 22 chapters.

The book is divided into four: The first chapter, international trade terms; second in terms of international sale of goods; the third, the import and export business set and fulfill the contract; Title IV, international trade. Inside of each, respectively, including a number of chapters, the book is a total of 22 chapters. Compared with the original book, textbook, the new addition of international business negotiations, breach of contract and remedies given content, international commerce, deposit penalties, factoring business and overseas processing chapters, and after each chapter, are attached questions on.

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Import and Export Trade Practice Tutorial


"Import and Export Trade Practice excellent tutorial" is a small finance foreign trade business principles and rules of operation as one of the excellent tutorial. The innovation embodied in this tutorial teaching content of teaching and learning phase separation, that content should be considerably less than teachers to teach the content of self-study, improve self-gravity in this tutorial, in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching.

"Import and Export Trade Practice excellent tutorial" to "import and export business practices and related rule of law" as the research object, and that "Wings" of the study, "one" or "terms of the contract to develop", "wings" were "contract agreed "and" breach of contract performance and relief ", where" terms of the contract to develop "the body is the key, the key difference between this course and other related courses lies. "Import and Export Trade Practice excellent tutorial" content to international trade principles as a guide to the rules-based international trade, import and export business of the main line to be launched as the center of trade contracts, this contract towel tightly around the heart, the center of outstanding contracts status and the central role, and as commanding book.

The "Import and Export Trade Practice excellent tutorial" style arrangement, highlighting the "capacity-building" to increase the proportion of skills training, each chapter has a "learning objectives and requirements" and other columns, the section marked "proficiency test", in addition also added some reading material and accessories appendix (mainly operating training and trade rules). Each chapter are interspersed, coherent foreign trade business principles, operations and rules aimed at: (1) make the reader aware of the key elements of each chapter: (2) increase the reader's perceptions; (3) to promote further reflection, refining. The ultimate goal of all this is to make the reader systematically and organically out of u master the basic principles involved in the business, operations and regulations.
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2010 Construction of Two Divisions Licensing Examination Mannequin Britannica: Municipal Public Works Management and Practice

"2010 National Qualification Exam construction of two instructors book: municipal public works management and practice," including: municipal public works construction technology, municipal public works construction management practices, municipal public works relevant rules and regulations of three parts. Each chapter includes a knowledge system, important and difficult, each section includes an integrated test sites, an important test sites explain, simultaneous exercises and so on. The book accompanying the two sets of simulation papers and in 2008, 2009 exam.
"2010 National Qualification Exam construction of two instructors book: municipal public works management and practice" concentrated focus and difficult exam review content concise, focused, rich exercises, detailed answers, both as candidates to participate in the national construction division qualification examination exam resource materials, can also be used as a teaching reference books and students of colleges.
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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

International Trade Practice

"International Trade Practice" (third edition) is divided into four: first, international trade terms; The second, international sale of goods provisions; third, import and export contracts to work out and implement; Title IV, international trade. Each in, respectively, including a number of chapters, the book of 22 chapters.

International Trade Practice is a professional foreign economic and trade of a compulsory professional foundation courses. International Trade Practice is a specialized international commodity exchange specific process discipline is a very practical application of comprehensive scientific activities with foreign features. It involves the use of the basic principles of international trade theory and policy, international trade law and practice, international finance, international transportation and other insurance and basic knowledge disciplines.
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International Trade Theory and Practice

The book details the various classical and the latest theories of international trade, but also a collection of relevant and practical knowledge of the typical cases of anti-dumping areas. Compared with other similar books relating to the introduction of anti-dumping most important feature of the book, the book sort of anti-dumping field theory, history, and analyzes some of the classic cases, thoughtful manner proposed anti-dumping prediction model. This book is concise, systematic introduction to the theory of international trade. Policy. Rules, practices, trade measures. Trade. Content practical operation, as far as possible to reflect the outcome of international trade and frontier areas of China's foreign trade development, especially in the analysis explores how to deal with China's export enterprises are facing the problem of trade friction. The arrangements for the preparation of the content, the content of international trade theory, policy and practice of international trade by combining theory with practice highlights, more comprehensive, systematic and completely meet the needs of teaching. For the characteristics of the writing style of teaching, with the extension of reading, character introduction or case study as a supplementary learning materials to guide students in-depth study... Book research funded "by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,"
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