Showing posts with label suji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suji. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

"Follow Me" Shorthand Methods Of English Words


How to remember English words fast, accurate recall, remember the prison, has been the concern of the majority of English fans, the most interested in the topic, this book is based on years of experience teaching English, according to their own unique language learning rule, in accordance with the learner different learning conditions, learning age, learning program offers several convenient and easy to get foreign language word memory method ... particular emphasis is the memory of English words, to the scene, context, occasion memory, that word separated sentences, sentences separated text, which is the most modern linguistics advocated primary method, but also the time of writing this manual, the dominant ideology.

I. Introduction
Second, the English Dancisuji France
Third, the "follow me" English Dancisuji
Appendix English words Category Memory
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Friday, June 21, 2013

Lernwortschatz Deutsch

《德语词汇联想与速记(基础词汇4000)》是一本可以大大简化德语单词学习过程的辅助工具书。一、常用的大字典往往收录10多万个词条,而我们根本不可能将它们全部学完!本书则精选了现代日常德语中普遍使用的单词,简单实用。学完本书后,您所掌握的词汇定可使您在日常生活对话中运用自如,游刃有余。二、您是不是尝试过按照字母顺序记忆单词?那您一定清楚这是何等的困难与枯燥!而将属于相同领域的单词一起记忆,则会事半功倍,如:Verkehr(交通),Fahrrad(自行车),Auto(汽车),Taxi(出租车),Bus(公共汽车),LKW(载重汽车)等等。出于这种考虑,本书按词族,而不是按字母顺序收录词条。如果您想按字母顺序查找任何单词,书后的索引可以为您提供帮助。三、单独学习单词的方法虽好,但如果能同时学习单词的用法则收益更丰,这样您可以在交谈、讨论、写作时正确使用它们。为了使您清楚每个单词的正确用法,本书添加了除单词、释义外的“第三栏”,它包括例解、固定搭配以及复合词等内容。因此,您可以在每面看到如下三栏: ——左栏为德语单词; ——中间为中文释义; ——右栏为德文例解。 在第三栏中,相应的词条一律用波浪线(~)代替。 这样的编排可以使您更好、更有效地学习: 首先,仔细通读这些单词。然后; 1.用一张纸片覆盖住中文释义,凭记忆与出单词的含义; 2.覆盖住左栏的德语单词,借助中文释义凭记忆与出该单词。 3.将左栏的德语单词覆盖住,大声朗读第三栏中的例解,其中相应的单词用波浪线代替了,这样可以强化记忆。 总之,本书向您提供了最为有效的学习词汇的方法,帮助您轻轻松松学习,掌握4000余条德语基础词汇,为您的德语学习打坚实的基础。
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