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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Experimental Principle and Application of Computer Tutorials


Pages Number: 92 Publisher: Huazhong Pub. Date :2011-09-01 version 1. Microcomputer Principle and Application Experimental Course by Zeng Rong. Wang editor. is summed up in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. National Mechanical experimental teaching demonstration center years of teaching experience prepared on the basis. Write the guiding ideology is: On completion of Microcomputer Principle and Application theory course. you need comprehensive experiments to deepen the understanding of theoretical knowledge in order to improve the level of engineering practice. This book not only basic computer experiments. but also integrated application experiments. Computer experiment in close connection with the application of mechanical control. the purpose is to make students familiar with through experiments MCS-51 microcontroller performance and control technology. especially commonly used in industrial control interface circuit design methods and implementation techniques. According to the teaching requirements and course characteristics. Microcomputer Principle and Application Experimental Course in the series of experiments is the practical application of teaching and research are summarized and extracted the key technology. including process design. internal functions. real-time control. sequence control. conditions of control. data acquisition. integrated applications and so on. Microcomputer Principle and Application Experimental Course as a mechanical application of learning theory and computer experiment experimental course guide books are also available for students of non-mechanical reference. Contents: Chapter 1 Microcontroller Basics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 MCS-51 microcontroller MCU system programming language 1.3 assembly language program within the experimental function experiments in Chapter 2 Introduction 2.1 Microcontroller internal 2.2 I / O experimental unit 2.3 port function timer / counter. interrupt experimental unit 2.4 interrupt / timer integrated experimental unit (intersection traffic light management control experiment) experimental unit 2.5 Serial Communication Interface Chapter 3 extended Experiment 3. 1 MCS-51 microcontroller system expansion 3.2 extensions parallel port 8255A chip experimental units 3.3 8155 H 3.4 chip unit test extensions string and convert experimental unit 3.5 A / D test unit 3.6 D / A test unit 3.7 Timer / Counter 8253A chip application of experimental units for industrial control applications in Chapter 4 Experimental 4.1 Experimental mechanical and electrical control unit of temperature measurement experiment 4.2 Appendix A MCS-51 instruction set of experimental chip pin Appendix B References
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