Showing posts with label xiandai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xiandai. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Modern Chinese

Modern Chinese


Monday, February 20, 2017

Practical Context of Modern Chinese Studies

Practical Context of Modern Chinese Studies

The basic structure of this book is two parts, the first chapter to the fourth chapter......

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dictionary of Common Errors in Contemporary Chinese

Dictionary of Common Errors in Contemporary Chinese

The vocabulary words in this dictionary are ones that are frequently misused by......

Saturday, July 2, 2016

On the Context of Modern Chinese

On the Context of Modern Chinese

Nghiên cứu ngữ cảnh tiếng Hán hiện đại本书不以“语境学”名之,而着得于书名所示的“语境研究”。作者认为,一门新学科的建立是需要对其本体做深入细致的之后,水到渠成地形成的。本书主要着眼于语境本体的研究,重点是语境的性质、构成、分类等内部关系和语境的功能、与话语和语用主体的关系等外部联系,还涉及语境与语言运用、语文教学的关系等......

Friday, May 20, 2016

Research on object sentence in modern Chinese

Research on object sentence in modern Chinese

Base Information Title:<>ISBN:9787806688151 Pubdate:2004-1 Press:Shanghai......
Modern Chinese Research and Application

Modern Chinese Research and Application

"Modern Chinese research and application of" first part of the research-based body......
Modern Chinese: History and Sociolinguistics

Modern Chinese: History and Sociolinguistics

The Chinese language, spoken by over one billion people, has undergone drastic changes......