Showing posts with label yingwen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yingwen. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Laugh Die Me

"Laugh Die Me" main elements: - Common Errors Chinglish Collection; - the great crash of Eastern languages ​​and cultures; - laugh easily acquire knowledge. Is there a book people laughing learning English can make our English learning is no longer boring, boring?

Is there a more contemporary and affinity for English learning books, capable of real fresh breath and breathing, to lead us out of the inherent mode of learning? Let us work together to feel the "killing my English book" The charm of it!

This is a set of images, humor, Lenovo's easy to learn in a book in English. "Killing my English book" systematically collate often made out of 164 Chinglish errors, material all comes from life. In the preparation process, the authors another way, lively stories and clever fusion of common terms which, together with humorous pictures and impressive, easy to improve their English. "Killing my English book" Each article comes with Chinese translation, suitable for all levels of readers to learn to use.

"Laugh Die Me 2," the aim is: laughter high school English. Therefore, we selected the one hundred sixty-two easy topic, we often use the wrong presentation in English, accompanied by relevant knowledge expansion. That look quite Chinese Chinglish, will let you in I can not help but blush haha University: So my English, had so ridiculous!
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My first book of the child in English


I see the beauty of the language in twenty-six years ago the creation of families, either because in view of globalization of English, and at the impact of the new economic framework of the WTO, English learning is not only to obtain information, business opportunities and job grasp an essential tool for their studies; also open to expand the mind, to leave the world a world citizen by virtue of integral communication. See Section American English over the years Danjingjielv hope to learn English quickly into family life and get into the practical benefits of learning.

Uphold the book to apply their knowledge, from middle school English teaching philosophy of life, and will extend the learning of English from school, cram into the home. The book theme and lively life, from all kinds of life situations of the design, so that the parent-child can learn English together in a relaxed home life; not only entertaining and can enter a paternity feelings?. This idea of ​​learning English can be said that the implementation of global, social, school, family, interesting best ideas.

The book can be described as family-oriented English-purpose dictionary. On the occasion of the summer, the village school this book seek international order, I welcome the good books, good books I am willing to share with friends. Willing globalization of English, social and family-oriented to make people more internationally competitive.
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Friday, June 21, 2013

Wo de Diyiben Qinzi Yingwen Shu

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