Showing posts with label xiaohua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label xiaohua. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

Do not know is a joke of 600 literary allusions

The famous educator Mr. Ye Shengtao China once said: "People of the chain is the highest spiritual literature ...... literature can expose the dark, to meet the light, so that people abandon vile and shallow, tend noble and profound."
After thousands of years of tradition and heritage, our ancestors left us countless literary works, they or beautiful, or moving, or thought-provoking, became an integral part of our life spiritual wealth. Heritage and development of the spiritual wealth is our duty, but also our respect for ancestors.
600 literary allusions, 300 literary knowledge. The spirit of innovation, promote the traditional purpose of culture, from the pre-Qin philosophers to our hundreds of thousands of works of prose fiction in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, selected out of 600 people who were most familiar with literary allusions traceability and analysis, and the historical process of China in the sense that people should be aware of literature were selected out of 300 Essentials tell. Enable the reader to confront the essence of Chinese culture, feel splendid Chinese culture.
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Do not know would be joke 700 Sayings story

"Do not know would be a joke of 700 sayings story" From a common vocabulary commonly used in Chinese, carefully cooked included widespread idioms and allusions word aphorism, familiar word from Origin, the story and read of, respectively, the three aspects of ancient and modern sense connotation and the source of each idiom to interpret and explore. "I do not know would be a joke of 700 sayings story" novel style, rich in content, set the interest, knowledge, practicality in one, is complementary knowledge of history and all walks of life to improve the language proficiency of excellent readers. Jealous, layman, flattering, just-do ...... do you know their origin? These scattered on written records and oral sayings, not only historical value is more value in use, you can make your expression more humorous, lively and interesting. 700 Sayings story, 700 historical stories. It contains the ancestors of life experience, concentrated with the changing times. Among these stories immersed in history, appreciate what their ancestors pathos and beauty of life, perception about the twists and turns of Chinese history and brilliant, can not only enrich your mind, and you can refine your language.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

We love talking joke Season 2

The book contains a super cute couple Goofy, ridiculous speech when mom marry, Goofy minus 18 °, the most ridiculous ID VS most embarrassing forum administrator, a certain Internet cafe network testament, Taobao Comedy evaluation + dialogue, foreigners who most ridiculous Chinese characters, Siberia philosophy: a cold day, the 2009 college BBS 40 Popular joke, super funny QQ 90 条 / MSN signature, novels and other cold joke different themes. Humorous, evocative. In turn make you wrote at Kai room, when a laugh, be completely relax, mood of the resist sprout, is pleased to release emotion. This book is different from similar books on the market is characterized by a large part of a collection of original works, and the design of the three presenters, their stories throughout the entire book.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Arts of Recrimination

This book is a collection of more than 500 jokes. When you are laughed at, it may help you launch a counterattack to skillfully protect your image. Humor can not only facilitate peoples communications but also show a persons gracefulness and charm. Humor is not instinctive, and people can learn to be humorous. Thus, this book may be your good choice.

Typically conversation should be under a friendly atmosphere with others, but in life, we always encounter some hostile to their own people, in the course of the conversation suddenly satire, sarcasm, and even unjustified accusations. In this case, could not swallow, leave it alone, there is no need to generate positive conflict, the best solution would be skillfully applied retorted. Nearly 500 humorous joke book chosen, mainly for sarcastic counterattack, refutation, in order to achieve a strong fight back and protect their own image of the other side effects. These jokes short and pithy, witty language, can inspire wisdom, nurtures the soul, but also can be a life interest additives, for people's daily lives and interactions bring happiness. Humor can show talking demeanor, qualities and charm. Humor not only improve a person's language charm, their conversation icing on the cake, but also bring joy to the people around and laughter. But humor is not born, you need to cultivate in many ways, read a little humor joke is to cultivate a sense of humor is a shortcut.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Laugh Die Me

"Laugh Die Me" main elements: - Common Errors Chinglish Collection; - the great crash of Eastern languages ​​and cultures; - laugh easily acquire knowledge. Is there a book people laughing learning English can make our English learning is no longer boring, boring?

Is there a more contemporary and affinity for English learning books, capable of real fresh breath and breathing, to lead us out of the inherent mode of learning? Let us work together to feel the "killing my English book" The charm of it!

This is a set of images, humor, Lenovo's easy to learn in a book in English. "Killing my English book" systematically collate often made out of 164 Chinglish errors, material all comes from life. In the preparation process, the authors another way, lively stories and clever fusion of common terms which, together with humorous pictures and impressive, easy to improve their English. "Killing my English book" Each article comes with Chinese translation, suitable for all levels of readers to learn to use.

"Laugh Die Me 2," the aim is: laughter high school English. Therefore, we selected the one hundred sixty-two easy topic, we often use the wrong presentation in English, accompanied by relevant knowledge expansion. That look quite Chinese Chinglish, will let you in I can not help but blush haha University: So my English, had so ridiculous!
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100 American Jokes


Book is a selection of 100 American short jokes, the content easy to understand, humorous, accurate and refined language, English language learners for all kinds of reading, back education, play entertaining role. Make the reader laugh or suddenly or comprehend the same time, a deep understanding of spoken American English habits, and Americans view of things for some people to grasp the American joke mode.
Apart from our choice one hundred classic joke book, but also lists 16 groups jokes prologue. Meanwhile, behind every joke is accompanied by background notes for the content of jokes made ​​relevant historical and cultural background of Shao, for certain words and grammar also made detailed notes, can not only help the reader understand the joke, and can land Road, American English jokes to others. Truly smiling high school English in the humor they learn culture.

•1) A ten-year-old student asked, “Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn’t do?” “of course not ,” the teacher replied. The kid said, “Good, because I didn’t do my homework.”

•2) A kid asked his dad, “Hey, Pop, can you write in the dark?” The dad answered, “Sure, What do you want me to write?” The boy said, “Your name on this report card.”

•3) A little girl was lost, so she went up to a policeman and said, “I’ve lost my mom!” The cop said, “What’s she like?” The little girl replied, “Shopping and gossiping!”

•4) A tricky girl said, “Mom, I got a one hundred in school today!” The mom replied, “Great, sweetie, tell me about it.” The girl reluctantly said, “Well, I got a twenty in math, a thirty in history and a fifty in spelling.”

•5) A little boy told his dad he flunked his math test. The father asked his son why. The kid replied, “The math whiz who sits next to me was absent on the day of the test.

•6) A concerned teacher said, “I hope I don’t see anyone looking at another student’s paper.” A student murmured to another, “We hope you don’t either!”

•7) A boy told his mom she was awful at raising kids. She replied , “Hold your tongue. That’s not true!” The boy said, “Then why do you send me to bed when I’m not tired and wake me up in the morning when I am?”

•8) A father told his son, “When Lincoln was your age he walked ten miles to school every day.” The kid replied, “Well, when he was your age, he was president!”

•9) A kid said to his dad, “Pop, my teacher asked me if I had any younger siblings who will be coming to school.” The dad replied, “What did your teacher say when you told him you are an only child?” The kis answered, ”He said, ‘Thank goodness!’”

•10) An elementary school teacher asked a student why he was late. He replied, ”A nearby sign said ’School ahead, slow down, go slow.’ so that’s what I did.”

•11) A man and his son were riding in the car. The man said to his son, “ could you check and see if the direction lights are working on your side of the window and said, “Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no…”
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