Showing posts with label fayu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fayu. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oral Entry for Fine French

"Speaking for fine French entry" focused on foreign language teaching in the functional approach, communicative approach, grammar method, a brief introduction to the basics of French speech, the people's daily life communication is the most important subject to customary statement and sentence eleven out. "Speaking for fine French entry" is also set Conversations. "Speaking for fine French entry" is intended to make the novice French language in a relatively short time to master the basics of French pronunciation, basic grammar and everyday language.
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Grammaire Chinoise Handbook

"Chinese Picture Dictionary (Russian version)" includes 15 themes, thematic units and refinement of 142 next topic contains a total of approximately 4,200 commonly used words. Theme based primarily on Hanban "International Curriculum for Chinese Language Teaching" division, covering all aspects of daily life; topic is using a large scene or continuous small map to show the way real life situations, so that learners in a relatively short period of time, in order to ease interesting way to understand the meaning, to grasp the words. In the vocabulary selection criteria, in line with both word frequency and heavy weight of practical principles, reference to the Chinese media and Chinese textbooks respective countries of word frequency statistics. In addition to nouns, verbs, adjectives, it also contains a lot of phrases to facilitate learners to understand the words with the relationship. For a long time, foreign friends to learn Chinese language there is a perception that Chinese difficult to learn. This dictionary associated with the semantic model, the words classified by topic, with a graphic way to explain words, to help learners achieve the learning outcomes easily, difficult to learn Chinese for the elimination of the traditional concept of providing a full range of solutions....
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Friday, April 12, 2013

Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words - Chinese-French

des Chinois d’outre-mer, afin d’aider les nombreuses communautés chinoises d’outre-mer à apprendre la langue de leurs ancêtres, a déjà publié plusieurs manuels d’enseignement du chinois. Pour répondre aux besoins des compatriotes vivant dans le monde, certains de ces manuels ont été publiés en fonction de quelques langues de référence. Parler chinois avec 500 caractères est l’un d’entre eux. Jusqu’alors, cinq versions bilingues - chinois-anglais, chinois-thaï, hinois-portugais, chinois-espagnol et chinois-français - ont été présentées au public. Pour mieux répondre à la demande de ceux qui vivent dans des pays d’expression française, 2 000 exemplaires supplémentaires de ce manuel ont été imprimés dans l’édition chinois-français, tandis que son contenu a été entièrement publié sur le site Internet de la Commission (Centre d’Enseignement sur Internet pour la langue chinoise,, afin d’atteindre le plus grand nombre d’utilisateurs.
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Friday, March 1, 2013

Erwai Fayu kaoyan cihui

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