Showing posts with label jingdu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jingdu. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 3 (Vol. 2)

Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 3 teaches students reading skills using articles about daily life in contemporary China, vocabulary lists, grammar points, exercises, and more. In depth grammar explanations and a wide variety of exercises based on articles and grammar help students to gain reading skills gradually and fundamentally. In simplified Chinese characters and pinyin. Vocabulary is in English. Each book comes with an audio CD. Vol. 2 is not yet available.

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Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 3 (Vol. 1)

Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 3 teaches students reading skills using articles about daily life in contemporary China, vocabulary lists, grammar points, exercises, and more. In depth grammar explanations and a wide variety of exercises based on articles and grammar help students to gain reading skills gradually and fundamentally. In simplified Chinese characters and pinyin. Vocabulary is in English. Each book comes with an audio CD. Vol. 2 is not yet available.

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Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 2 (Vol. 2)

Chinese Intensive Reading Course Level 2 teaches students advanced reading skills with relatively long articles about daily life in contemporary China, vocabulary lists, grammar points, exercises, and more. In depth grammar explanations and a wide variety of exercises based on articles and grammar help students to learn reading skills gradually and fundamentally. In simplified Chinese characters and pinyin. Vocabulary in English. Each book comes with an audio CD.

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Chinese Intensive Course (audio)

"Chinese Intensive Course (2 years) at the first grade book" prepared by the Ministry of Education, colleges and universities Minority Preparatory Committees textbook, published in 2007, the total number of pages is 273 books, physical books Price: yuan, IBSN number:
Chinese Intensive Course (2 years) at the first grade book txt, pdf, doc, epub download for users to publish, the original author [Ministry of Education, colleges and universities Minority Preparatory Textbooks Committees], if copyright infringement, please immediately (Notification we) removed.
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Basic Chinese Intensive Vol. II


The book is divided into basic, primary and secondary three phases, each with a separate intensive reading, listening, speaking materials. Three stages, three courses teaching materials gradual and mutual convergence, different type of textbook lesson in close coordination topic, language points aspects, but also complement each other to form a complete system, but each has a relative independence.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Intermediate Chinese Intensive Course II


This book is the revised edition of Intermediate Chinese Intensive Course. In line with scientific and practical applications integrating universality and persistence, authors of this book have referred to the characteristics of intensive course and rules of intermediate Chinese learning, and complete this book involving knowledge and fun. The intermediate level includes two volumes, with 15 lessons in each volume and altogether 30 lessons for one academic year. Language materials in this book are most updated and closely related to real life, with practical phrases and sentences. The selected materials are informative, readable and rich in content, covering a wide range of topics and genres.

Paperback: 299 pages
Publisher: Peking University Press (January 11, 2010)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-10: 7301179782
ISBN-13: 978-7301179789
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

An Intensive Reading Course of Advanced Chinese (1)

本教材为高级汉语精读教材,编写上有别于泛读和写作教材。体例上基本沿用中山大学赵新教授主编、周小兵教授审订的《中级汉语精读教程》( 北京大学出版社)。主要遵循以下几点原则: 一、选材广泛。所用语料包括社会生活、自然科学、中国文化、道德法律、历史地理、名人逸事、民情风俗、奇观胜景、珍禽异兽、社会自然、旅游探险、饮食起居、体育休闲、科幻发明、幽默小品等,均选自报刊杂志及网上的报道,以最新的语料为主。二、体裁多样。有散文、小说、随笔、小品、论文、杂文、通讯报道、幽默笑话、熟语故事等等。三、书面语为主,避免使用口语材料。四、练习形式与高等汉语水平考试题型部分接轨。五、讲究实用性与通用性。在选材上尽量贴近生活,使学习者能够学以致用。语言准确规范。适用范围广,避免使用地方色彩浓的语料。六、知识性与趣味性并重。在向学生传授语言知识的同时,还向他们灌输一些科普、法律、生活等知识。另一方面,话题能引起当代年轻人的共鸣,使他们在生动有趣、诙谐幽默、自然的语言风格中轻松地掌握汉语。七、注重训练学习者的语段表达能力。高级阶段的语言学习者除了词汇量加大,同义词辨析、特殊句式的掌握、复句的熟练运用等技能外,还应该在修辞、篇章的衔接手段上有进一步的提高。
  教材分I、Ⅱ两册,每册16课,共32课。每四课设有一个单元练习,使学习者能通过形式多样的练习巩固本单元的词汇和语法知识,达到熟练运用的目的。每课主要由生词表、提示、正课文、注释、练习、副课文等组成, 4—6学时学完一课。生词部分I册高级词(丁级词)70%、超纲词30%,Ⅱ册高级词(丁级词)60%、超纲词40%。I册每课生词50一60个,Ⅱ册每课60—7 0个。生词的等级划分及语法注释项目主要根据国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室编写、北京语言文化大学出版社出版的《高等学校外国留学生汉语教学大纲》长期进修(附件),另外还参考了国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室汉语水平考试部编写、北京语言学院出版社(1992年)出版的《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》。生词注释全部用汉语,尽量使用低中级词汇。用法特殊的生词配有例句或短语。生词配有近义词、反义词、同语素的合成词、多音词、形近字等,其使用的符号分别为:近义词用“一”,反义词用“<——> ”,同语素的合成词用“>”。多音词有下划线标注并列出另一读音和例词,形近字用“一”。注释中的例句及练习尽量使用本课和本教材的生词。主课文长度控制在2000字左右,分两、三个段落,每段一个提示。课文中的生词有标记。
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