Showing posts with label quanshu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quanshu. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Encyclopedia of Science for Youth

Bách khoa toàn thư về kha học danh cho thanh thiếu niên
随着历史的延续,文明的进步,人们在科学、技术等方面已 取得了长足的进步。从饮食起居到休闲娱乐,从海底探险 到太空遨游……这一切无不显示出人类开拓探索的精神,渗透着 人类智慧结晶的光芒。《中国青少年科学探索百科全书》(彩图版)是一部引领渴求知识的青少年朋友去探索丰富多彩的自然科学世 界的综合性图书,采用图文并茂的形式,用浅显的语言阐述科学 的本质,把握科学的脉络,对激发青少年的求知欲有很大帮助。 全书分三卷,内容包括:物质与反应,主要介绍物质概念 及各种反应;力和能,主要介绍力的种类、能的含义等;电和 磁,主要介绍电和磁的相关知识;光和声主要介绍光和 声的原理与应用;材料与技术主要介绍各种材料 与技术的结合;宇宙探索主要介绍宏观宇宙及各 星系的特点;地球探索主要介绍地球与人类生存 环境;环境与保护主要介绍自然环境的特点与 保护;生物探索主要介绍生命的起源与进化;人体探秘主要介绍人体的结构与器官;生态 与平衡主要介绍自然界生态的发展 与平衡,共11 个篇章。本书构思 严谨、逻辑紧密,适合读者循序渐 进阅读,是部不可多得的科学探 索类百科全书。

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Encyclopedia Of Children’s Mind

Bách khoa toàn thư khám phá tri thức của trẻ em, thiếu niên
其实,每个人都是天才! 其实,每个人都拥有丰富的智力潜能!人的智力潜能就好像坚冰下沉寂的水,我们首要的问题是 如何激活它!
《中国少年儿童智力开发百科全书》就是刺破坚冰的利剑!本书是专门为6~14岁的少年儿童朋友编撰的,全书包括智力训练、智力游戏库、动手小机灵、智力大检阅四个部分。前三个部分以动脑、动手为两大主题思路,目的是全 面启迪与开发少年儿童的智力潜能:智力训练部分训练少年儿童的直觉、判断、分析、推理、想像等各种思维能力,开拓思路,拓展思维空间;智力游戏库部分包括大量题目,它们能以少年 儿童非常感兴趣和各种好玩的形式来考察、训练智力,并在训练中进一步提升少年儿童的智力水平;动手小机灵部分教做一些简单的科学小实验、解读奇妙的小魔术、制作好玩的手工艺品,动手和动脑 相结合,引导少年儿童充分开发自己的右半脑,使左右大脑得到均衡的发展。最后一部分的题目能够全 面地检测读者经过本书启迪后智力提升的情况。在这本书上,我们倾注了很大的心血。

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Encyclopedia of Science for Children

Bách khoa toàn thư về khoa học dành cho trẻ em, sách in màu đẹp gồm 3 tập.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Encyclopedia of Chinese Students

Bách khoa toàn thư HS TQ - Nguồn gốc động vật
Encyclopedia of Chinese Students
Animal origin
This book details the origins of life, the differentiation of flora and fauna, beautiful coral, Iguanodon, duck-billed dinosaur, giant, Archaeopteryx, saber-toothed tiger, the evolution of the characteristics of a canine, feline characteristics of evolution and other related knowledge.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

University Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence: Jurisprudence, legislation, Law and Society


This volume includes the history of Chinese legal thought, Chinese legal history, the history of foreign legal thinking, foreign legal history of the four disciplines. Some Chinese legal history of ideas including: legal thought Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties theocratic law and "Reiji" thought, contending legal thinking Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin and Han dynasties feudal orthodox legal thought, Enlightenment thinkers Ming and Qing dynasties, the Taiping the main idea of the legal representatives, as well as bourgeois reformists and revolutionaries legal thought; Chinese legal history section include: self-Xia, Shang and thoughtful Republic of China period, four thousand years of Chinese history since the laws and institutions, as well as central Officials to local, judicial, supervision, and other prison settings and evolution; foreign legal history of ideas mainly include: legal thought in ancient Greece, the Roman legal thought, medieval legal thought, 17th and 18th century bourgeois revolution legal thought during the 19th century bourgeois legal ideology, bourgeois legal ideology of the 19th century and 20th century European and American legal thought of; foreign legal history section include: ancient Egypt, ancient Greek law, Roman law, Germanic law, canon law, Islamic law, English law 美国 France, France and France, 德国 France, Japan and France and other formation and development.
Contents: Contents Preface Legend Chinese legal history of ideas lexicon Categories Categories Chinese legal history lexicon lexicon of foreign legal history of ideas Categories (in foreign control) Foreign Legal History Lexicon Categories (in foreign control) lexicon Pinyin Index lexicon text index of the Chinese character stroke volume afterword

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Encyclopedia for Chinese Students

(Google translate) The world famous "King of the Valley", is a paradise for archaeologists. For thousands of years, here is Grave robbers who frequented the place. Here is the seat of the ancient Egyptian capital of Thebes, dating back to Cairo City, about 100 kilometers west. Since the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt Pharaoh Thutmose I built the first here After a hidden underground tomb, his successors follow suit, went through about five centuries long Years, a total of more than 30 built Pharaoh's tomb.
Here the ancient mausoleum, as sacrificial lambs rich, ancient historical era, has been coveted by thieves who Goals. The belly beginning to discipline those ancient mausoleum almost no one is not harassment, looting.
However, the "King of the Valley", there is a tomb is very well preserved, preserved for posterity
More than 5,000 pieces of precious cultural relics. This tomb owner, is more than 3000 years Gouy third 18th Dynasty pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Total 68 ebook, 3113Pages
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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Shiyong Koucai Quanshu




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