Showing posts with label tansuo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tansuo. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

Ngữ cảm trong dạy học tiếng Hoa cho người nước ngoài

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Encyclopedia of Science for Youth

Bách khoa toàn thư về kha học danh cho thanh thiếu niên
随着历史的延续,文明的进步,人们在科学、技术等方面已 取得了长足的进步。从饮食起居到休闲娱乐,从海底探险 到太空遨游……这一切无不显示出人类开拓探索的精神,渗透着 人类智慧结晶的光芒。《中国青少年科学探索百科全书》(彩图版)是一部引领渴求知识的青少年朋友去探索丰富多彩的自然科学世 界的综合性图书,采用图文并茂的形式,用浅显的语言阐述科学 的本质,把握科学的脉络,对激发青少年的求知欲有很大帮助。 全书分三卷,内容包括:物质与反应,主要介绍物质概念 及各种反应;力和能,主要介绍力的种类、能的含义等;电和 磁,主要介绍电和磁的相关知识;光和声主要介绍光和 声的原理与应用;材料与技术主要介绍各种材料 与技术的结合;宇宙探索主要介绍宏观宇宙及各 星系的特点;地球探索主要介绍地球与人类生存 环境;环境与保护主要介绍自然环境的特点与 保护;生物探索主要介绍生命的起源与进化;人体探秘主要介绍人体的结构与器官;生态 与平衡主要介绍自然界生态的发展 与平衡,共11 个篇章。本书构思 严谨、逻辑紧密,适合读者循序渐 进阅读,是部不可多得的科学探 索类百科全书。

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Encyclopedia of Science for Children

Bách khoa toàn thư về khoa học dành cho trẻ em, sách in màu đẹp gồm 3 tập.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

Beijing Dialect in the (zhe) New Exploration of the Word

"The (· zhe)" is a modern Chinese use a higher frequency function words, previous studies it has been quite a lot of discussion, especially with regard to the grammatical meaning "the (· zhe)" can be said to be controversial. In such a case, "the (· zhe)" as a research topic, there is considerable difficulty, there is a considerable need of courage. But one of the conditions of Liu conducted a study --- which her ​​native Beijing on the Beijing dialect has a wealth of emotional knowledge; she has a solid grounding in Chinese linguistics, and on the Beijing dialect fieldwork experience; she also have engaged in foreign language teaching experience ("a (· zhe)" has been a difficult for foreign students to learn Chinese language, the authors about "the (· zhe)" in both positive and negative aspects of teaching experience and lessons).
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hanyu Jiaoxue Yufa Tansuo

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Duiwai hanyu yanjiu tansuo 2


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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Explorations of Grammar of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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Grammar for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language teaching is an important part of the theoretical basis, is the most important basis for the preparation of teaching materials, but also the main basis for the development of the Chinese Proficiency Test standard and level of the outline. In-depth study "Teaching Chinese Grammar exploration" Grammar System for Teaching Chinese made. The updated version. This update mainly adds two parts. Part of the syntax item selection and arrangement. The original book also relates to the content of this area, but more rough. 2002 Hanban hosted a "Grammar items are sorted Principles and Strategies" is the theme of the Second International Seminar on Chinese grammar teaching outside, since the selection and arrangement problems syntax items by industry peers' attention, Research papers specific grammar items one after another. Therefore, the authors own research results in recent years, additions to the book, as a separate section. Another part of the supplement is to grammar teaching concept is original grammar book system to ponder some of the issues specific ideas. Other parts of the original book also added some new results, the appendix also been revised and supplemented.
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