Showing posts with label yewu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yewu. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

Travel Guide

This book includes: tour guides and tour guide services; guide service environment and service objects; tour guide services necessary knowledge; standardized service processes a guide: the leader of the service program and content; standardized service two guides: accompany service program and content.
The book detailed analysis of the guided tours of the political, legal, economic, cultural, technological and other macro-environment, and knowledge of all aspects related to guided tours. This book is written by the tourism authorities comrade, tourism experts and industry elite universities in the province, focusing on comprehensive, authoritative and practical knowledge. Reading knowledge either as tour guides, there is for students to learn in school with the tourism institutions.
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Friday, September 11, 2015

Tour Guide Service


This book is one of tourism management professional higher education planning textbook "Eleventh Five-Year", systematic exposition of qualified guides should have the qualities, knowledge and skills. The book is divided into three parts: the first chapter and the second chapter is the basic theory, we focus on guided tours, the basic concepts of tour guides; Chapter III to Chapter IX to guide practice, mainly as tour guides working procedures, tour skills, psychological service skills, language guides, analog explain, deal with common problems and accidents as well as individual tourists processing required; Chapter to guide business-related knowledge. 密码:zugv
As tourism management professional teaching materials, books in the preparation process, we focus on the professional requirements, but also combines teaching characteristics, and strive to achieve theory with practice, emphasizing the application and innovation. This book can be used as institutions of higher learning tourism management professional materials, but also as a tourism industry training materials, as well as a reference guide staff book.

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Sixty-Six Ways to Ensure Telephone Business

Call is a kind of psychological game, but also a manual. And everyday physical labor is different, it is more reflected in the resilience of telephone service staff attitude and psychology. Therefore, in the course of a call, mind directly affects the results of the telephone service.
    On the court, one of the players trying to break each other's goal, the difference is that the other lost, but in the course of telephone service is a win-win. We use their wisdom and strength to break through the defense constantly, to other venues in so that we can break down the door. The telephone service, to a customer's position to consider, will win customer acceptance.

    This book from the basic telephone service starting preparations, respectively, from the telephone business communication skills, telephone answering skills, language use telephone service skills, decision-makers to find and confirm skill, determination and telephone service turnover contracted skills, telephone service etc. ending with the continuation of several large items of departure, focusing on 66 key telephone business, so that we accurately understand and master these telephone services in professional methods and techniques.
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Tourist guide Business Practical Course


"Guide Business Practical Guide" from the combination of theory and practice to start, the system introduces the basics guides, service skills and significant operations and processes, and through a number of case studies, as far as possible so that readers have a tourist guide Compare real experience, guide the reader in learning business theory while obtaining a general understanding of the actual situation of tour guides. Response to the growing rise of outdoor adventure travel, "tour guide business Practical Guide" to set up a chapter outdoor leader, has a novelty and practicality. "Guide Business Practical Guide" is divided into eight chapters: the first and second chapter introduces the guide basic knowledge and skills related to knowledge; the sixth chapter to chapter focuses on different business guides and processes; Chapter VII introduces the guides resilience at work; Chapter VIII of the new outdoor leader introduced.
To facilitate the students' interest and improve higher vocational degree of love for guided tours, while responding to vocational education "theory enough, focusing on the practice of" teaching approach, the authors highlight the usefulness of teaching skills of the practical operability As a "tour guide business Practical Guide" features.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Business Writing Templates of Common Business Documents

"Enterprise common business document template writing" is the actual operational work and summarized, but also on the future business plans and regulations work is highly practical and logical unity of work, we must both feasible and reasonable, neither the general performance , but also take care of particularity. Therefore, the "common business document writing business templates," the writing is not just paperwork, but the main thing is the practical work and management. Especially cross-sectoral writing business documents, need more field visits and research, clarify existing business processes, planning a more rational business processes. Good business document, which reflects the level of business writers, but also reflects the overall management level, is an important means to improve business management.
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