Showing posts with label yixue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yixue. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

Chinese English Medical New Words

This book looks at the "new" and also unifying the various branches of medical science (basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine) and related scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., subject to the terms of emerging disciplines and emerging also be income to the reader from a broader perspective to see the development of medical science. The book includes newly vocabulary and related disciplines and medicine cross medical subjects arising vocabulary. In addition to the new national higher medical textbooks, but also included word country nearly five years, journals and Medicine subjects appearing in relatively old word the part related to the research focus is also included, also included a section and immunological studies about herbs and Chinese vocabulary. This book contains 5000 entries, of which 45,000 were made suggestive comments.

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

English-Chinese Chinese-English Neuromedical Dictionary

In today's medical field , nerve medicine has become an important subject, new theories , new techniques and new methods are emerging, international academic exchanges frequently. On the one hand , we should actively promote research results out to expand the application scope to improve visibility ; on the other hand , it is necessary to learn advanced technology from abroad to come , as I used to raise the level of research . Currently, more use of the medical literature and published in English for academic exchanges , English has become the universal language of the world , and therefore a great need for a neurological medical English Dictionary , both professionals can easily query , but also improve the quality of academic exchanges . The dictionary is written in the spirit of this purpose . The dictionary is divided into two parts: ① English-Chinese , organized in alphabetical order ; ② Chinese-English , organized alphabetically by pinyin . Each included approximately 5,400 entries, for two-way access . This dictionary is a nerve medical workers , graduate students and medical students tool. We make every effort to compile a good dictionary , extensive collection of new words. Vocabulary consists of two words , the use of the adjective + noun, noun less nouns ; same meaning of a word with two meanings of the word , then choose the latter , as with stirup stapes , not stirup bone stapes ; word "sex " as little as possible with or without the word , otherwise a two or three word " sex "word , it becomes cumbersome ; to make the layout looks, omitting names possessive symbol " 's " or "' "and" s . "
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yixue dacidian

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Mou xi yong yixue quanshu

缪希雍,字仲淳,号慕台,别号觉休居士。约生于明嘉靖三十五年(I546年),卒于天启七年(1627 年)。祖籍江苏常熟,侨居浙江长兴,老于江苏金坛,葬常熟虞山东麓。
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Jin Yuan Si Dajia Yixue Quanshu

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