Showing posts with label jiegou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jiegou. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2015

Structural Semantics

"Structural Semantics" Author AJ Greimas in France Henri Poincare Institute lecture on "structural semantics," the speech, the beginning of 1966 edition, to become France's first hundred years semantics monograph. This book presents a series of semiotic methodology new concept, the establishment of a narrative text and discourse studies, is considered as lay French school of semiotics, the semantics of researchers has also been an important reference works.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Constructions:A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure


Drawing on work in linguistics, language acquisition, and computer science, Adele E. Goldberg proposes that grammatical constructions play a central role in the relation between the form and meaning of simple sentences. She demonstrates that the syntactic patterns associated with simple sentences are imbued with meaning-that the constructions themselves carry meaning independently of the words in a sentence. Goldberg provides a comprehensive account of the relation between verbs and constructions, offering ways to relate verb and constructional meaning, and to capture relations among constructions and generalizations over constructions. Prototypes, frame semantics, and metaphor are shown to play crucial roles. In addition, Goldberg presents specific analyses of several constructions, including the ditransitive and the resultative constructions, revealing systematic semantic generalizations. Through a comparison with other current approaches to argument structure phenomena, this book narrows the gap between generative and cognitive theories of language.
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Friday, March 1, 2013

Binglie jiegou de zi zuzhi yanjiu

  语言系统的自组织理论认为,语言系统任一因素的变化会引发其他相关因素的变化。本文以此为理论基础,对并列结构的句法语义进行了较为系统的动态研究。围绕着四种类型的子系统: 结构S,项目I,标记M,认知(包括经验、意志、理解、记忆等)C,得到从S出发或者到达S的六种重要向量,在这六种向量下,可列出“吸收、控制、值变、取配、外设、适应、组联、有序化”等作用关系。
  “第1部分 绪论”交代了以往在并列结构的研究方面所达到的理论水平,即在并列范围、并列项之间的关系、结构与标记之间的关系、结构与外部句法环境的关系诸方面的基本认识;交代了本文研究的任务;交代了自组织理论基础,尤其是它的动力系统(包括系统变量、系统动力学和自组织结构的基本原则),并导出我们要加以探讨的组联、有序化等所有的作用关系。这部分还对并列结构作了界定,分析了并列结构的类型,得出了一些重要而基本的范畴和术语。
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Zonghe Shiwu Wenshu Xiezuo fangfa jiegou zuixin liewen

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Huiyi Wenshu Xiezuo fangfa jiegou zuixin liewen

内容提要 本书提供了会议文书的全面解决方案。每章按名称解 释、文种特性、要素内容、基本结构、范例评析、要点提示 和写作训练设计结构,重点介绍了会议话语文书、会议言论 文书和会议礼仪文书、会议事务文书、会议会务文书等四十 余种会议文书的写作方法,提供给读者规范的写法、常用的 结构和可借鉴的最新例文。读者可现查现用,快速学会写作 各种会议文书。本书是会议文书写作的最佳参考书。
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