Showing posts with label jijin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jijin. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chinese Proverbs

Proverbs are a reflection of social reality and life experiences of each era of "ready," and is the crystallization of the wisdom and experience of people.
Proverb has its own advantages and characteristics: the most vivid statement, with strong expressive force; structure with one or several phrases based; spoken words have a plain style characteristics; judgment is often based on the content forms of reasoning, to express a complete thought, or summarize social experience, or knowledge of life summary, or philosophical truth and forth, or express feelings of love and hate. Its main function is to ready-made expressions of valuable experience, brilliant affair of life expression, logical sense is very strong, often for rational preaching.
Here are a selection of more than two thousand proverb generally divided into three categories: one including "Nongyan" social experience of life summary; one is on the ancient system of exposing human world state; One is human affair, ideology and realm of reflection.
The selected entries proverb, according sequencer layout, the same syllable rhyme to IA, Hinata, rising tone, falling tone for the order. Syllable identical to the number of strokes of Chinese characters arranged by the former small strokes, strokes and more are in the post. The first syllable shape identical to the second syllable has a basis, and so on.
The selected pieces are marked language pinyin phonetic form of words, and the tone marks.
Each language interpretation and sentences of both. Titles sentences generally indicate the author, indicate the number of plays off, the number of screen number or fields, novels indicate the number of volumes, back a few or several chapters. Part of the language to be "prompt."
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Chinese Sayings

Saying is created by the masses, and widely circulated among the masses, popular and concise statement structure is relatively stereotyped, it is the language in the form of people loved, concise, profound meaning, unpretentious, can show a variety of ways of the world vividly. Saying also called "slang" "vulgar language", with ethnic, regional and vitality. Saying the "vulgar", as opposed to "elegant" terms. Non-"Ya" meaning there are two aspects: first, the language that it is easy to understand, is spoken of; Second, use that it spread in the community, is a mass.
Saying also a styling statement. This has two meanings: First, each saying has a certain fixed meaning (one or more); one refers to a certain form of language structure, or the structure of several similar. Both mutual contact, complement each other, mutual restraint. Saying occupies an important position in Chinese, it is the number of multi-use widely. With the development of society, the new thing
Material emerging, saying it continues to introduce new, continuous generation of new slang, therefore, collect, study saying there is a meaningful thing.
Learning saying, not only acquire knowledge, but also can increase the appeal of the language, make the language more vivid, humorous, increase the flexibility of dealing with people and show the unique charm.
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